We’ve spoken before about the dangers of using an AdBlue® Cheat Device on your fleet and as was highlighted in the recent Dispatches programme on Channel 4 there seems to be a growing number of operators who are fitting the illegal AdBlue® devices.
For one Transport Manager, Eric Nicholson the director of transport firm EW & PA Nicholson Limited fitting the illegal devices to his firms vehicles has led him to be banned from the industry. After a hearing in February 2018 Simon Evans the North West Transport Commissioner disqualified him indefinitely from being employed as a transport manager.

In addition to this punishment he was also banned from holding or obtaining a licence to operate commercial vehicles for 5 years. When asked to comment about the case, Mr Nicholson said that he had made “the biggest mistake of his life”.
We understand the temptation to use illegal AdBlue® cheat devices might be strong in certain circumstances, but it seems for Mr Nicholson the savings weren’t worth it. There are lots of reasons why you shouldn’t use an AdBlue® Cheat System, but there are even more reasons to stay legal and use high quality, low cost AdBlue® in your fleet.
We work with many fleet managers and operators who are proud to use WavianBlue as their supplier of AdBlue®. Our 1000 Litre IBC is (as of April 2018) just £300 ex VAT.
We don’t charge a deposit and our price includes delivery and no hidden extras. If you’re new to AdBlue® you might want to consider one of our AdBlue® Starter Kits, these come with everything (an IBC or 210 litre AdBlue® drums + an AdBlue® pump or gravity hose) needed to get your fleet topped up.
For more info call us on 01508 493 647 or email [email protected]