Latest News: Save money on 2 X AdBlue® IBC’s & Gravity Hose Kits

Buy AdBlue® in Bulk
Our AdBlue® is verified for its purity and high quality. It has a shelf life of over a year, so for customers who like to be organised and save time on reordering and worrying about running out, purchasing 2 AdBlue® IBC‘s at a lower price is a bit of a no-brainer. Purchasing 2 x 1000 Litres will also save you £20 on the price of 2 individual 1,000 Litre AdBlue® IBC orders.

To purchase AdBlue® in bulk visit our shop here >

Gravity hose for AdBlue® 4m or 6m
IBC AdBlue® for sale with gravity hose

AdBlue® Starter Kits
You may have noticed we currently have the AdBlue® Basic Starter Kit and Gravity Hose Kit as out of stock on the website. This is because we have had a supply issue with the Gravity hoses. The good news is that as from Mon 21st June (2021) these will be available to purchase again on our website. If you would like to preorder an AdBlue® starter Kit you can also do so by emailing and our team will get the order processed the second the stock is back in. We do also have a wide range of alternative bulk AdBlue® starter kits if you are looking for something slightly easier to use. For our full range of AdBlue® Starter Kits click here >.

*All prices correct at time of publishing (Mon 14th June 2021). Prices and offers subject to change.