Once you’ve made the choice to start buying AdBlue® in bulk (and saving money) there are quite a few options and it can be a bit daunting initially deciding what works best for you and your business, especially if you’re totally new to AdBlue®.
In this post we’re going to go over some of the basics with regards to our AdBlue® IBC’s and the lower price options in terms of manual AdBlue® Pumps that are currently for sale on www.wavianblue.com. All our pumps (both manual and electric) are very high quality and we have almost no problems with them in terms of reliability and quality.
If you are using large quantities of AdBlue® we would probably recommend purchasing on of our electric AdBlue® pumps, however many businesses with a small fleet of vehicles find that a manual pump works perfectly well for them.
There are 3 main options in terms of manual AdBlue® hose / pump design, the first and most basic is an AdBlue® Gravity Hose.
AdBlue® Gravity Hose
You can buy one of our gravity hoses here >
You can also buy an AdBlue® Gravity Hose Starter Kit here >
A gravity hose is the simplest and most cost effective way of dispensing AdBlue® from your IBC. The gravity hose consists of a manual nozzle and 3 (or 4 metre) hose and a connector that fits directly onto the AdBlue® IBC.

The one consideration should you wish to purchase an AdBlue® gravity hose is that this product is not a pump as such, instead it uses gravity to dispense the AdBlue® from the IBC. This means that in order for the hose to work properly, ideally the IBC should be raised up securely on a platform. The only possible issues you can get form this set up is if you are dispensing directly into a large vehicle and the AdBlue® reservoir is higher than the bottom of the IBC. In which case you might want to think about some kind of manual AdBlue® power pump. That leads us on to …
Manual AdBlue® Piston Pump
A piston pump is an effective device to dispense the AdBlue® from your IBC. Piston pumps are also available for our 210 litre drums and work by applying a downward force to a handle which creates pressure moving the AdBlue® liquid from the IBC to the vehicle or container. The pump set includes the hose, pump and connectors to fit directly onto the AdBlue® IBC or 210 litre AdBlue® drum.

You can buy an IBC Manual Piston Pump here >
You can also buy an AdBlue® 210 Litre drum Piston Pump here >
Our final AdBlue® manual option is a….
Manual AdBlue® Rotary Pump
A rotary AdBlue® pump is very similar in the way it works to a piston pump. The key difference is that the handle is rotated in order to get the AdBlue® liquid flowing from the IBC. We’ve found that a a lot of our customers prefer this method of AdBlue® extraction over the Gravity Hose Kit and the Manual Piston Pump, but ultimately it’s down to personal choice and budget.

To purchase a Manual IBC AdBlue® Rotary Pump click here >
To purchase a 210 Litre Drum AdBlue® Rotary Pump click here >
For more information on any of these products please feel free to call us on 01508 493 647 or email [email protected]